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Costa Rica
Surf & Jungle Adventure

In the heart of Central America lies one of the most biodiverse places on the planet, a jungle paradise with amazing waves stretching along the coast and a playground for adventurous souls.


Welcome to Costa Rica, where you'll feel like you're stepping into the pages of "The Jungle Book." Think lush green forests with monkeys swinging on the vines, sloths sitting in the canopy, hidden waterfalls cascading into crystal-clear pools, colourful birds chirping away, and so many empty beaches to explore.


If an adventurous getaway is something you are looking for, let's go! Our days will be filled with surfing, rafting, rappelling and hiking through the jungle!


This two week adventure begins in San Jose where we’ll meet up before making our way down south to the remote surfer town of Pavones. We’ll spend the next few days chasing waves and learning how to surf! When we’re not surfing, we’ll be exploring the jungle, taking a dip in the local waterfall, checking out the turtle hatchery, recovering with a yoga practice or taking a siesta in a hammock at our beach front accommodation.


After our week at the beach, it’s time to get WILD!


For the next 5 days we will be hiking and rafting our way through the jungle and staying in homestays with local families and camping by the river along the way. Each day you’ll wake up to the sounds of birds, monkeys, the babbling river and the smells of fresh coffee and Costa Rican breakfast! We’ll rappel down a 120ft waterfall, climb a tree with a harness, have a go at making chocolate from cacao and sugarcane juice, and enjoy a traditional sauna.


So, if two weeks of surfing and adventuring your way through the jungle with a group of amazing women sounds like your kind of holiday, we would love to invite you to join us in Costa Rica!

The Details

Duration: 14 days

Date: 14 -27 November

Location: Costa Rica

Group size: 14

Hosts: Meg

Bed in Shared Room $4600 AUD
Bed in Private Room*
$4800 AUD

(*For Surf Part of trip)

Home Sweet Home...


This is an all-inclusive surf & jungle adventure. From your jungle accommodation each night to your morning coffee, surf lessons, yoga classes, most of your meals, and all transportation within the country.  And, you know what the best part is….?

You'll be enjoying it all with 13 of your newest soul sisters! Cheering each other on in the waves and other adventures and sharing stories and laughs each night!


What’s Included:

  • 5-nights accommodation in a beachfront property in Punta Banco near Pavones, Costa Rica

  • 4 nights hotel accommodation at beginning, middle and end of trip.

  • 3 nights accommodation in homestays in the jungle.

  • 1 night camping along the river.

  • Breakfast, lunch & dinner every day except travel days.

  • Yoga‚ Breathwork & Meditation classes.

  • 4 mornings of surf lessons.

  • Transportion between locations within the country.

  • Experienced local hiking, rafting & rappelling guides on jungle adventure.

  • Bilingual guide for entire trip.

Not included:

  • Flights

  • A few meals on travel days

  • Travel Insurance

  • Visa Fees

  • Tips

  • Optional extra activities

Optional Extras:

  • Extra surf lessons

  • Horseback riding tour

Getting there:

We will all meet in San Jose, Costa Rica at 4pm November 14th. Please book your flights to arrive before then.


The trip finishes after breakfast on November 27th so you can book your flight for anytime after 10am.


November in Costa Rica is when the weather switches from rainy season to dry season so we may get a few rainy days but it should be mostly sunny days. And even when it does rain, it’s usually an afternoon shower and then it’s done. We chose this time of year because the waves are predicted to be the best for beginners and the rivers great for rafting! Woohooo! Although, this is the time of year we think will be the best you can never predict exactly when the best waves will be. But one thing we are really good at it is having fun no matter what the conditions!

It is a tropical country so the temperatures will vary between 20-30 degrees celcius.


What to Pack:

  • Summer clothes

  • Hat

  • Sunglasses

  • Sunscreen

  • Mosquito repellent

  • Comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots

  • Bikinis

  • Rashy

  • Raincoat

  • One pair of long pants and jumper in case of a chilly night

We’ll send out a more detailed packing list before the trip but if you have any further questions on what to pack or where to buy the best price / value gear, send us a message and we will be more than happy to help you out!



The following itinerary is an accurate estimate of the activities that we will be doing during the trip. These activities, as well as the times, may vary due to weather conditions or by common consent of the group. At Wild Women Journeys, we don’t like to set things on stone, as we believe that traveling should be a mindful activity that adapts to our present feelings and requirements. We like to leave some room for unpredictability and spontaneity! That’s what life is all about at the end of the day. 😊


Yay, it’s adventure time! Today we will all arrive in San Jose, Costa Rica to start our journey together. We will arrange a hotel transfer for you to the hotel and after we are all settled in we will all meet up for dinner and get to know each other. Sleep well, tomorrow we head out!



Today is a travel day. We’ll be hopping on a bus to make our way down to the town of Pavones, one of the most remote and BEST surf spots in the country! The best part….i’'s so far from the city that not many people go there! It’s about a 7 hour drive so we’ll stop for lunch along the way before arriving at our beachside accommodation.


DAY 3 - 6

Today is the day we become surfers! Yewwwww. For the next 4 days we will be waking up to the sound of howler monkeys, tropical birds and waves crashing on the beach.  We’ll spend the mornings learning to surf and the afternoons practicing yoga, exploring the rain forest, chasing waterfalls, taking hammock siestas and living our best mermaid lives!



Time to head to the jungle! We have a 4-5 hour drive today to the town of xxxx to begin the next part of our adventure.



Early bird gets the worm! We’ll be starting early today to make our way to the town of Brujo where we start our 4 hour hike into the jungle. The hike will take us to Piedras Blancas where we’ll be staying with a local family, the Lopez’s, for two nights and living like locals, getting homecooked meals by Dona Flora and going on adventures of course! After lunch on the first day we’ll be putting on our harnesses and repelling down a 120 foot waterfall! PURA VIDA.



Wake up to the sounds of the Rio Savegre and the rainforest and of course the delicious aroma of Costa Rican breakfast coming for the kitchen. Today will be a more relaxing day with time to soak in our surroundings, swim in the river, hang out with the family, practice your Spanish and have a go at making your own sugar from sugar cane using a hand driven trapiche from start to finish.


DAY 10

After breakfast we’ll put our hiking boots back on to make our way to our next homestay, hiking 3 hours to the Fonsecas adventure retreat. We’ll have the opportunity to try a traditional sauna, make homemade chocolate from cacao, climb a tree with a harness and enjoy the beautiful river.


DAY 11

Have you been rafting before?! We’ve been enjoying waking up to the sounds of the Rio Savegre and swimming but today is the day we begin our journey ON the river, travelling 20km by raft over 2 days and camping alongside of the river.


DAY 12

This morning will be spent travelling down the river and swimming in a waterfall. After lunch we’ll say our hasta luegos and make our way to the town of xxxxx.              


DAY 13

Sadly our adventure is coming to an end and we’ll be making out way back to San Jose today for our last night. We’ll enjoy our last dinner together in the city.


DAY 14

Adios and see you on the next adventure!

Thank you SO much for choosing to travel with Wild Women Journeys and supporting our small (but growing!) business, which encourages wild women like you to step out of their comfort zone and live their absolute BEST LIVES. We really hope you enjoyed this winter adventure and wish to see you on the next Wild Women Journey!

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